News |Unlock the full potential of the TomTom Bandits

Unlock the full potential of the TomTom Bandit

TomTom Bandit SDK

When the TomTom Bandit originally launched it was an action camera with a difference; packed with sensors and the first camera to bring true automatic video editing without the need for a computer.

TomTom also took a completely different tack when it came to new versions and upgrades compared to the competition, in as far as there hasn’t as yet been a new version.  No Bandit 2, mini, slim or otherwise just the original, instead all upgrades to date have been through firmware.

These firmware updates are more than just small fixes and each version so far has not only improved existing features, but also enhanced the camera itself. Now TomTom have announced the availability of the Bandit Action Camera Software Development Kit (SDK).

This new kit will enable developers to utilise the Bandit hardware and create as yet unknown uses for the Bandit camera. The SDK features the Camera Media Server API, unique MP4 file formats and iOS and Android software libraries.

As the Bandit is one of the most sensor laden action cameras on the market there’s plenty of scope for developers applications making use of GPS, accelerometer, gyro and pressure sensors. This could we’ll herald the Bandit as the new choice for serious drone users who are now restricted on camera use by all bar the 3DR Solo drone, which interestingly enough also features a full SDK.

The Camera Media Server API will enable developers to interact and create applications that can use live viewfinder, video manipulation, file management, transcoding capabilities alongside many other features within the Bandits hardware.

This is an exciting announcement from TomTom opening up an already excellent piece of hardware for developers to enhance and take to completely new places.

The development kit has already been used by the Emirate Team New Zealand. The SDK was used to record data from training sessions to help review and monitor training

Peter Frans Pauwels, Co-founder of TomTom said:

The TomTom Bandit action camera is a great example of how we translate high-end technology into an easy-to-use consumer product. With the TomTom Bandit SDK we are now making this unique technology available to developers in an easy way. We are very excited that Emirates Team New Zealand chose TomTom Bandit and the TomTom Bandit SDK to help prepare for the America’s Cup in June 2017.

Find out more information about the TomTom Bandit SDK here:

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